As I was putting Alex to bed last night, he wanted to pretend that he was the daddy and that I was the baby. He said some of the sweetest things to me;
*Time to go to sleep so Mommy will be happy.
*'Morrow we will ride the tractor and mow the grass
*Time to go to sleep so we can see the stars (glow in the dark on his ceiling)
*Time for kisses all over so you can sleep good.
*You are such a sweet baby girl.
I asked him if he was a good daddy and he said, "I'm the best daddy like my daddy." So sweet! Then I asked him about his mommy and he said that she was working. I asked what she was working on and he said, "She working on a cake. A awesome cool cake!" Sooo funny! (All night long I have been making the horns to go on his bullrider cake. They turned out really cool. He wanted to 'help' the whole time which was precious and then not so precious!)
I wanted to document this adorable exchange. I love to see his little imagination at work. He really gets in to it! We tried a pasttime game that I read about on one of my favorite blogs and he enjoyed it alot. I poured a bag of pinto beans onto a cookie sheet and gave him some small toys like his tractor, front end loader and an airplane. He was entertained for quite some time.
O the ways I love my child!!
I am sooooo happy with how Alex's party invites turned out! I encourage anyone who is interested in some super cute invitations to visit *** lilbeansprout@etsy.com *** They will take great care of you at an amazing price!
Cupcakes are my favorite to make! I love to make them for Alex's school. Some may know me as the Cupcake Mama. Ok, I really just call myself that but hopefully one day it will stick!
Alex got to lick the spoon for the first time ever. Usually, I am too scared to let him try it because of the raw egg in the batter, but I got brave this time. Trust me, the benedryl was right beside me! He really enjoyed it! From the looks of it, the cowboy cupcakes were a hit, for sure with Alex!
I had big ambitions for his cowboy birthday cupcakes, but at the last minute, I had to scale the plan down. I am still super happy with how they turned out! The kids got to keep the cowboys, which means that is about 13 less cowboys for me to worry about stepping on!
Alex got a special gift for his birthday. He loves to play with our camera and for the most part, takes really good pictures. He was able to play with his friend Elle's camera a few weeks ago and just loved it...except that it was pink! So, he got his very own blue camera last night on his actual bday.
His eyes got so big when we busted out the present!
What could it be?
Look on his face....priceless!!
Say Cheese!!
I pray this spurns a deep love of photography and memory preservation!
He is ready to be in the band! We took Alex to see some of our friends perform this past weekend and he LOVED it! At first I think it was a little loud for him because he just sat in my arms and stared at the stage. Then we decided to go closer to the stage. I let him pretend that my palms were drums and he would hit them with his hands. A super sweet guy, who just so happened to be a member of the house band saw this and decided to give Alex a special treat, his very own drum sticks!
I love this picture because you can see all of the raised hands to Jesus in the background...so moving!
Our friends band, Set Free, did an amazing job and put on a super cool show! I can't wait until we get the chance to see them again! If you are interested in checking out their music, you can do so by visiting their myspace page. Just search "Set Free."
Dear Alex,
Oh my goodness! It's happened! You have shot up right before our eyes! I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around the fact that you are 3 years old. When I think about something that happened 3 years ago, it seems so long ago. BUT not your birth! It truely seems like only yesterday!
Where did the time go? I would laugh when people would tell me that time would fly by. I really didn't understand how that could happen. Let's just say I get it now.
Your smile just melts my heart! I will do anything to see that sweet grin.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Alex! No matter how many times you have to correct me, you are still my baby and I love you forever!
Love, Mommykins