Again, life is sooo stinking crazy right now! I told Tripp the other day that since we moved, it doesn't seem like we have slowed down to even breathe! Not complaining (so much) though because we have been busy doing things we love to do...like see family, hang out with friends and shop for the new house. We even started some Christmas shopping for Alex. Fun Fun! I have a crick in my neck..yuck..but again...not complaining because I have it for the sweetest reason EVER! Alex sleeps with us ( I know...I said that no child of mine would ever sleep in my bed BUT that was before I had a child and thought I was Mother of the Year! and had no clue what I was talking about:) Well, lately he has wanted to hold me at night. Picture with me if you will.....one of his arms is under my neck, we are cheek to cheek and the other arm is across the top of my neck so that he can pat me on the back. I know...stinking precious! I will suffer through a crick in my neck if it means I get some extra snuggly time with my angel! Stinkin love it!!!
I am almost done with my large canvas project...yea! I am so ready to see the finished outcome. I'll wrap it up this weekend and share a pic.
I got to spend some fun time with Erin and her bambino's last night. Had a pretty good time! We considered going to the circus but Erin wasn't quite up for that yet with the twins. Instead we went to McDonalds..which let me just say...that play area is GROSS! That was the first time I have let Alex play in the play area and I am so ok with that being the last! Nasty!! I hate that we missed out on the circus. The Hagens were there so I know we would have had a good time. Maybe next year.
We are taking Alex to his cousin's 4th b-day party tomorrow at Discovery Science Place in Tyler. He should have a good time. I am looking forward to spending some more fun time with him and Tripp. We took Alex to the Pumpkin Patch last week and totally loved watching him out there.
OK...well let the fun weekend begin! Toodles! :)~
Hey girl! Cute pumpkin pictures- I took the boys today and Ty sat on them just like Alex.
Don't worry about the crick in your neck- Dylan slept that way for 2 years before I got him down on the floor. Now he's happy in his own bed (as long as Ty is in the room with him) ;-)
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