Charm is deceptive & beauty is fleeting: but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Friday, May 30, 2008

Alex & The Rain Forest Cafe

We took Alex to the Rain Forest Cafe this past weekend and much to our surprise, he was not a big first! He loved the outside of the mall, the part with the animal heads coming out of the wall. He was not so crazy about the alligator...or the snake...or the elephant..or the gorillas for that matter.His theme word of the day was "HELP!" in which he screamed over and over for a WHILE! After we were there for a little bit, he got comfortable and decided that he loved it. The fish were his favorite. Oh..and the gift shop! He really liked that! We asked him if he wanted to go back and he said "Oh Yeah Oh Yeah!" He is so precious!