I use that phrase to sum up these last few weeks.
We have been so incredibly busy. It seems like we are running here, visiting there..you name it. Sadly, it is all my fault. I am the one making all of these plans so really...I should kick myself! No one else to blame but me, myself & I. As much as I am complaining, I do like it sometimes. It is nice to get to spend time with family & friends or to just be out with Tripp & Alex. I especially love the Mommy & Me time I get occasionally with Alex. I don't mean the boring stuff like grocery shopping or any of that. I mean the fun times to where we can just goof off.
Like last Friday for example. Tripp had prior arrangements so Alex & I loaded up and headed to the big city, ie Longview. We went to Wet Pets & Critters, which let me just say that place stinks to high heaven...but Alex loves getting to see the animals (I make him walk around with his hands in his pockets the whole time..quite funny) followed by an extensive rub down with some serious antibacterial soap, then a trip to Chick-Fil-A. We ran into a friend of a friend which was really nice because she & I were able to visit while our children played together. A whole lotta fun for us all! Afterwards, Alex & I went to grab some quality time at Target. One has to wonder how much fun could a two year old possibly have at Target and my answer is LOTS of it! Especially when they get cool goodies...like a super cool bike!!! He has loved his little bike which he named Ike. So funny! I am really glad I got it for him as he has had so much fun on it already and it has only been a week since he got it.
Lately I have felt like Alex and Tripp & I were in a very weird spot. Alex is two and naturally is testing his limits. There are several times when Tripp & I are not exactly on the same page regarding how do deal with Alex. I am more of a disciplinarian and Tripp is more laid back. This is both a good combo as well as a bad one. I am super quick to want to get Alex in control and Tripp wants him to have the opportunity to control himself. These past few weeks seem to have been filled with lots of correction for Alex. I was starting to worry about crushing his sweet little spirit, but after last night, I think I am better.
Alex was taking a bath and was pretending to be a whale. Out of nowhere, he said that he swallowed Jonah. I asked him why he swallowed Jonah and his reply was, "Because he did not obey." I asked him why Jonah didn't obey and he said he said he didn't know but that he would spit him out soon. I asked why he was going to spit him out and he said, "Because he is ready to obey God." Then he said, " I'm gonna obey God!" I told him how amazing & great it was that he was going to obey God. Alex told me that he was going to obey me & Daddy too. I always tell Alex that it makes my heart happy when he obeys and is a sweet boy. He told me last night that he was going to make my heart happy all the time. HOW SWEET IS THAT!
Honestly, this conversation with my son really put alot of things into prespective for me. I think that God used my two year old little boy to remind me that even when situations are trying and frustrating, the Lord is in control. I need to just go to Him and leave it all at His feet. I know that I am not the only person in this world with a two year old that can be a handfull. Thank you God for using Alex to point out the fact that you are in control of everything. For helping me to realize that I need to choose to do your work & live for you as Jonah did. Thank you Alex for being such a sweet reminder of how much God loves us all! O~how I love my little man!!
4 hours ago
Hi! Katriana...I saw that you were doing a blog and i just wanted to say...It's awesome!! I enjoyed reading your posts. Alex is growing up so fast. What an inspiration your last post was...got me thinking. We are also working with Dakota on the discipline issues..Maybe Alex could enlighten Dakota for me. :) (out of the mouth of babes)
Cant wait to read more about all the wonderful happenings in your family. I've learned something from your little Alex.
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