The other day, Alex and I were goofing off with the camera on my phone. We were trying to get a picture of the 3 of us where everyone was looking. After several unsuccessful attempts, Alex wanted to take a silly picture. We took a few, had our fun and tried again for a nice group shot.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Smiley Pot
Monday, August 01, 2011
Scratch that..
Our baby girls name will be
Ellasyn Clair
{{So excited that Tripp decided to go with the 'y' in her name. Thank you babe!}}
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Miss Ellason Claire

Two Funny Alex Stories..
...for the memory bank :)
Funny Story #1: " Mom, open your mouth really big." I ask why so he asks me again really nicely. I give in and open my mouth as big as I can. Alex them proceeds to get in my face as close as he can and yell the following into my open pie hole, "I love you Ellason Claire! I can't wait to meet you!"
Tripp and I laugh hysterically! We asked him why he did that and he said he wanted to make sure his baby sister could hear him. He thought it would be better to talk through my mouth than through my belly hole. The kid cracks me up so much! It was incredibly smart of him to even think of talking to his sister that way. Now, honestly, it's not quite as funny anymore. Him getting super close to my face & yelling has lost a bit of its charm, to say the least. :)
Funny Story #2: Alex was buckled in his carseat in my car this morning. I forgot my phone on the counter so I ran in to get it. I get back in the car and he says, "Mom, you don't know you are beautiful." I start laughing and he says, "Don't laugh, it's never crossed your mind." I continue to laugh and he says, "You are not that kind."
It finally dawns on me that the tail end of Sammy Kershaw's song is playing on the radio. Then Alex starts to sing the song to me as opposed to saying the phrases. He is so stinking funny!!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
It's hot!
Like you didn't already know that! Ha!
I have been struggling in this heat...big time! It has zapped my energy completely, there is no mas. It has been incredibly hard to explain this to Alex but I think he is starting to get used to the idea that Mommy is just not going to go outside for a while.
I have to share a funny story. Slightly uncouth but funny all the same.
Last night we let Alex sleep with us. (who am I kidding, the kid sleeps with us every night, lol!) He 'accidentally' passed a wee bit of gas. When I asked him if he needed to excuse himself, this is what he said:
"Mom, you may not know this but when girls are pregnant, it makes them hot and stinky. Maybe you need to excuse yourself."
Tripp and I laughed hysterically! He said it with that mischievous grin on his face knowing that he was about to say something funny. Such a character!
Gross topic but I want to record my babe's funny personality.
Hope everyone is having a good day! Oh yeah, did you know it was hot outside! UGH!!! :)
Sunday, June 05, 2011
I'm feeling pretty bleh these days.
While I am incredibly thrilled to be pregnant, this first trimester is kicking my tail! Kicking it! It is a struggle to drink water, eat food, go outside, you name it, I'm struggling with it. No bueno. I can tell that it is starting to lighten up slightly so that is the positive side to this depressing post.
I don't think the heat is helping much either. We took Alex to the movies, Fresh & the Zoo yesterday and I think I could have overdone it since it was so warm out as I am completely wiped out today. It will be nice to have some energy back in my next trimester, that's for sure.
Alex loves Fresh. I took him back in the early spring and he has been asking to go back over and over again. It was Tripp's first time to go and he was very impressed. Alex had a great time pushing & adding things to his cart. It was pretty cute!
Yesterday was fun but honestly, Alex had quite the attitude for a good bit of the day. Very frustrating! Tripp and I felt like we went out of our way to do some really fun things for him but he was just stuck on being cranky and full of complaints. We did have our highlights of the day though so again, there is the positive side of the negative, lol. There were several times of sweetness between Alex and I that overshadowed his cranky attitude. That all went south though when a bee flew into his snocone. It all went straight to heck after that. Boo...
Friday, May 13, 2011

Saturday, April 02, 2011
We have got ourselves a T-Baller!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Allergies get TWO THUMBS DOWN!
Ok, so not that anyone out there actually likes allergies or anything, but here at the Griffin house.....we reeeeeaaaaaaallly don't like them! My poor baby is struggling to put it mildly. I feel so bad for him because it is incredibly obvious that he is miserable. Yet he manages to be so sweet in spite of it. Alex has always had allergies but this year is by far the worst. I am attributing it to his trampoline of all things. He just got it for his birthday and loves it. Like every thing else in East Texas, it is covered in pollen just about every day. We usually let him bounce on it later in the evening and I'm guessing it is what has triggered this 'Allergy Attack' if you will.

And here is a shot from this morning. After what has to have been the WORST night of sleep ever, he still woke up smiling. His lips are starting to crack from being so swollen. Poor thing!

Thursday, March 03, 2011
Amazing that in all of my "free time" I have neglected to blog.
Amazing that my little man is now 5 years old.
Amazing that I am quickly approaching my 10 year anniversary with my awesome hubby.
Amazing that I finally feel like I am getting my focus back.
Amazing that I have never felt more alone & still be ok with it like I feel now.
Amazing that I feel like my relationship with God is getting stronger and stronger.
Amazing that I am allowed breath each day and able to be amazed.
Alex is getting so big and saying the funnies stuff lately.
For example, he was singing this song the other day in the backseat of the car, "For he makes really good jello, for he makes really good jello, for he makes really good jello, which nobody can deny!"
He randomly sang out the following while playing with his daddy tonight: "We are Farmers, dum da dum da dum dum dum!"
For Valentines he got me diamonds from Walmart because they are a girls best friend. They cost him $5 dollars and he quickly told me that he could have gotten a footlong but decided to get me a best friend instead..haha!
He is obsessed with the zoo and all things museum related. The Legend of the Guardians and MegaMind are his two favorite shows right now and he quotes them frequently.
Tripp and I are taking a money class by Dave Ramsey at church. BIGGEST BLESSING EVER! We love it and I have really gotten on board..which makes Tripp one happy man! We are also participating in a bible study with some other young couples at church. AMAZING! We are learning so much and finally realizing why we believe what we believe. It's so awesome to have our ideals and thoughts actually line up with the principles God wants us to follow. Awesome!
Ok, let me think of what other randomness I can throw in here since the odds of me posting again soon are rather slim... :)
I'm working less...dislike...painting, getting to spend a ton of time with Alex....AWESOME...and really getting to focus on my family. I am one blessed lady!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Alex's Prayer
Alex's bedtime prayers tonight:
Dear God & Jesus,
I love you so much. I heard that you guys have power. You guys made the trees and us. That is pretty powerful. I love y'all! I believe that y'all have power and everything else. Jesus & God, I love y'all both. Y'all are so cool. I don't know anything else to say. Good night and Amen.
Love, Alex
~~He melts my heart! Thank you Lord for a child that loves you and loves to learn about you. Please give me the wisdom to guide him to glorify You. Amen~
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I'm trying something new tonight and I think I just might like it! I noticed that Tyne posted an entry using her iPhone and figured I'd give it a try.
This should be a quick and easy way to blog without being tied to the computer. Let me see how easy it is to add a pic...

Oh yeppers...I like it a lot!!
(Alex played outside this evening & had to have the proper gear: his goggles, snorkel & his bald head hat...hahahahhaha!)
Okey doke, good evening folks!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Where has the summer gone??
This summer has flown by!! It has also been incredibly hot!!!
Like FOR REALZ hot!! I am so ready for fall to hurry up and get here.
Alex has been a hilarious mess this summer. While he makes our heart explode with joy, he also drives us bonkers! We stayed at the house all day today and he was literally bouncing off of the walls. Tripp asked me at one point if it was normal for a kid not to slow down & relax all day. Yeppers it is, but it can make one go crazy for sure!
We got a new computer this weekend. A Mac to be exact. Guess who has fallen in love?? That would be me! I fought it in the beginning because I thought the transition from a PC at the office to a Mac at home would be too difficult but I think I am going to manage just fine. I like it a lot more than I thought I would!!! So far, we have watched 4 movies on it & logged several hours surfing the web and exploring it. Fun times!
Ok, who knows when we will post again. Hopefully sooner rather than later because this is supposed to be where we store our memories and funny stories...
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
9 Whole YeArS!
Tripp & I have been married for a whopping 9 years!
Hip Hip Hooray!
While our marriage has not always been the best, I am so blessed to have a husband who continues to be dedicated to our marriage.
I love you Tripp! Even though you overcook my grits sometimes, I am still delighted to have you as my partner in life! Muah!
Words to live by..
Can anyone guess how much I dislike painting words?
Let me tell ya….. a whole lot!
I did however, really enjoy this order once it was done. After several attempts to try to free hand the lettering, I decided to use my noggin. I had a friend who owns a sign company cut vinyl stencils in the exact measurements that I needed to cover the entire canvas. Once that was applied, piece of cake.
My customer loved them as did I. I am even looking forward to making a set of these for myself. :)
Fire truck canvas
Inspired by Pottery Barns fire truck canvas set, I painted this for a customer in Dallas. I am thrilled with how it turned out. Each canvas is 20x16 but pieced together it measures 20x48.
For boy stuff, this was fun. *Girl stuff is way more fun though! :)*
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Blonde Begone!

Yesterday I got my hair done and I feel instantly smarter! Just kidding! I had my blonde highlights covered and went closer to my natural color.
I loooooooooooove it!
I have been trying to grow my hair out for some time now. I was a little sad that we had to cut off almost an inch last night…but it was worth it. My hair feels so incredibly soft now. Yippee!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Because I am such a slacker…
Alex’s birthday party was originally scheduled for a date almost 2 months ago. We ended up finally having it a little over a month ago. Why then has it taken me so long to update ol’ blog-o with pictures?
Because I am such a slacker! :) I have had plenty of opportunities to do so and just didn’t. There have been weekends lately where I have not done one single productive thing. I guess that is how one truly obtains this awesome slacker status that I have achieved. Awesome!
That said, Alex’s party was super fun! The kids all had a great time and Alex is still talking about it to this day! I count that as a success!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spring is in the air! Finally!!!
We are beyond ready for spring to be upon us! I am even looking forward to spring cleaning if that tells you anything! {pretty sad if you ask me}
A lovely water puddle has decided to take up residence in our front yard. Come to find out, we don’t mind so much.
Spring, we miss you & love you more than you know! Hurry on up!!
‘Totally surprising’ outcome…
What happens when you mix an adorable newly turned four year old little boy and a b-b gun?
Here is what you get:
A lovely shattered window. Awesome.
Bet you didn’t see that coming right? Guess who for sure didn’t see it coming: Tripp!!! He let Alex go outside with the bbgun from his childhood. What he neglected to do was instruct Alex not to point the gun towards the house. He passed out all of the other much needed instructions in regards to not pointing it at people, Nosmo, etc. but just left the house out.
The best part of it all: that’s a brand new window. It has maybe been installed right at a month. Yeah…nice
Needless to say, Alex didn’t get into near as much trouble as Tripp did! Lol!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Alex’s 4th Birthday Cake
I totally LOVE how Alex’s cake turned out this year! It was soo much fun to make. Best part: Alex’s face! He is beyond ready to eat it and chomp down on his ‘scrumptous cake’…his words not mine!!
****Thank you Aunt Brenda for baking the cakes and making the icing for me!!! YOU are a life saver & very much appreciated!!!!!****
Monday, February 08, 2010
Talking to Jesus with Chickens
Scene: Tripp, Alex & I all piled up in Alex’s bed wrapping up a bedtime story. The book of choice for the night was ‘Big Chickens’, a book about a group of chickens who were afraid of everything until they decide to be brave.
Me: Ok, babe. Let’s say our prayers & talk to Jesus.
Alex: Can I talk to Jesus with my chickens? (He was holding his book at this time)
Me: Sure you can. Come on, let’s talk to Jesus.
Alex (bows his head & closes his eyes): Dear Jesus, bock, bock, bock bock bock bock. Bock bock bock. Bock Bock. Amen!
The ways that Alex melts my heart cannot be measured!! I *had* to document this story so that I could treasure it for all of time. Love my boy!!!
Friday, February 05, 2010
Windows Live Writer is AWESOME!
Tyne over at The White House recommended Windows Live Writer a few days ago & I just HAD to try it. Basically, if Tyne says it is awesome you can just go ahead and hang your hat on the fact that it is as she says!
Tyne is a precious mother of 4 and does a remarkable job at mothering her gifts from above. She is such an encourager and motivator for me. I am very grateful that she and her amazing family have settled in our part of the woods! Feel free to jump over to Tyne’s blog for some sweet pics, good recipes & insightful wisdom and direction for following the Lord.
Check out Live Writer when you can! It is free and ridiculously easy to use. Trust me, I am using it with no problems & that says a lot! Lol! You can go here to download it for free.
Happy weekend to all!
Well Checks & Growth Curves
Alex had his 4 year well check yesterday with Dr. Hudson. He had to get 3 different shots, poor baby, but did really well despite the owies.
Our boy weighs in at a whopping 33.4 lbs which puts him in the 20% for his weight. He is 34” tall and falls in the 45% for height. Skinny! He totally gets that from his daddy! Lol!
Alex also had to have his hearing & vision tested. He passed with flying colors!
Alex said that his favorite part of the doctors visit was when Dr. Hudson found tatertots in his ears and when he beat on him with a hammer. (checking reflexes…he wasn’t literally hammering him!)
Dr. Hudson said that everything looks good with Alex and that he is growing as he should be. He is still within normal for his personal growth curve so
WHOOOOO HOOO! Like we didn’t already know he was perfect! Ha!
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Happy 4th Birthday Alex!

Alex made me a Mommy and for that I am forever grateful.
I am amazed as to how much my life has changed these last four years. Things seem to be far more beautiful to me. For example, never before would I have thought that Tripp's old work boots were amazingly gorgeous. I do now!

I have never been a fan of sports....but I am now! the extent that I enjoy watching Tripp and Alex play sports together. Honestly, that is about as far as it goes! Lol!

Even mud is more appealing to me than ever before!
Alex's sense of humor has been hilarious from the beginning it seems. I used to say that he must have enjoyed how it felt to him when I laughed while he was still in my belly because it seemed like he was always doing something to encourage it. It literally felt like he was tickling the inside of my belly at times! His mean face can always draw out the laughter...
You know what they say, a family that practices their mean face together stays together! Ok..."they" don't really say that but it is funny none the less!
Happy birthday Alex! Thank you for making these last 4 years beyond wonderful!!!
We love you Squirtamas Pertimas Apple Pie! Your so cute, we'll kiss your eye!!